Good evening everyone, my week has been pretty packed with two exhibitions, the usual lot of photo editing as well as time being passed with good friends. Specifically, I have been working on many of Amy's photographs that we had taken out in the Swieqi Valley during sunset last Thursday, some have been already uploaded on facebook, and here are two for you to have a look at. I was inspired by silhouettes while planning the shoot and I really wanted to stick with the theme of dancing and movement of the body as well, so I found that turning the photographs into silhouettes to show off the way the body can move was the best option.
Although I was meant to go to the DISCLOSURE exhibition yesterday, I ended up going today to visit instead, and I am so glad I did. The curator at Studio 104 in Valletta really gave a perfect explanatory brief on all works being displayed by the graduating fine art students at MCAST along with graduates from 2013. The most inspiring work for me was probably the 'cell' work by Ezekiel Vassallo. I really liked the concept behind his photography and how life all around us at this point is all manufactured and manipulated, genuinely eye-opening. Of course not to mention, everyone else's work was just as great, and all the artists really put in effort and it definitely shows. Kudos to everyone! As well as visiting DISCLOSURE, I also went to visit the Eccentricks exhibition at St.James Cavalier, which had many different paintings and sculptures - I was quite amused by the Luzzu Toilet I must admit - but every artist to his own! As far as paintings went at the exhibit, I would say my favourites are by Marisa Attard - very colourful yet intricate work, beautiful. As for what I'm doing tonight, well I'm late for the cinema and Daniel and Fred are waiting for me! We are going to watch Captain America, and that is it from me! Until next Monday!