Anniversary, Divergent and a shoot ♥



Hello beautiful Friday. BUT Thursday, Thursday, Thursday... the 15th of May. Yesterday was my one year anniversary with Fred and as much as I should have probably kept the day off from blogging and photographing, I couldn't. I had a photoshoot in the afternoon with baby Gaia! Bought bubbles, confetti and balloons for her to play with as props for the shoot, and she was just the sweetest little angel ever! Of course it should be said that I had taken the evening and this morning off to spend time with my only love, celebrating our time together, including all the ups and downs, highs and lows, likes and dislikes. Through it all, there is always love, and that's the most important thing of all. One of the things we did was we watched Divergent at the cinema and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I ended up taking an aptitude test on the official website because I was so into it. Here's a screen shot of my results and I couldn't agree anymore. I'm bluntly honest to the bone unfortunately and probably should learn how to lay off the harshness once in a while, and of course I'm dauntless! I'm a badass. DIVERGENT FTW!

As previously mentioned, I had a photoshoot last Friday with Tamsin Pace Decesare and I finally have the photographs to show you what we collaborated on. "The Essentials" is a theme that Tamsin came up with for her MCAST project, it surrounds the everyday essentials a girl needs starting from jeans and shoes (of course!) to sunglasses, jewellery and a handbag. I absolutely fell in love with the high fashion take on this shoot and would definitely be willing to work with Tamsin again. Here are the shots! Want to see more of Tamsin's work? Click here.

Last but not least, the countdown has begun for MFW and I am suuuuuper excited! Just look at the goodie bags getting ready for everyone at the events. I will be attending a meeting this evening along with Pavli regarding the media since I am part of photographing all the events and hopefully will be able to pick up my new pass for MFWA 2014! have a great weekend everyone and once again, sorry for the late post xo

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